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Other Modalities

Other Ways to Support You

  • Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. The dried mugwort is typically formed into a stick, a cone, or placed on the end of an acupuncture needle. When lit, it produces heat that is applied to specific acupuncture points or areas of the body. Moxibustion is believed to stimulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood, promoting balance and harmony within the body. It is often used to address conditions related to cold or stagnant energy, such as pain, muscle stiffness, and certain digestive issues. The warmth generated during moxibustion is thought to enhance the body's natural healing processes and improve overall well-being.

  • Fire Cupping: Fire cupping is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves placing heated glass cups on the skin to create suction. The suction promotes blood flow, helps relieve muscle tension, and stimulates the flow of Qi. Fire cupping is commonly used to address conditions such as muscle pain, back pain, and respiratory issues. It is believed to promote the body's natural healing mechanisms and improve overall well-being.​

  • Ear Seeds: Ear seeds are tiny seeds or beads placed on specific points on the ear's surface. This practice is based on the principles of auriculotherapy, which suggests that the ear is a microsystem reflecting the entire body. Ear seeds are often used to support various health concerns, including stress, anxiety, pain management, and addiction. They are applied by adhering the seeds to the ear with adhesive tape, providing continuous gentle stimulation to the corresponding points.

  • Gua Sha: Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool to promote blood circulation. This practice is thought to release toxins, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the immune system. Gua sha is often used for conditions such as muscle pain, tension, and respiratory issues. It leaves temporary redness on the skin, known as "sha," which is believed to indicate the release of stagnation.

  • Traditional Herbal Medicine: Traditional herbal medicine involves the use of plant-based remedies to address various health conditions. In traditional Chinese medicine, herbs are often prescribed in formulas tailored to an individual's specific needs. These formulations may include a combination of herbs to rebalance the body and address underlying imbalances. Traditional herbal medicine is utilized for a wide range of conditions, including digestive disorders, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, and immune system support.

Often during a treatment, our specialists will utilize one or more of these modalities to support your recovery and improve therapeutic results. To find out more, talk with one of our specialists or book a consultation, and we will be happy to help you on your journey to better health today.

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